Ideas for Halloween decor


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Supporters or opponents of Halloween it does not matter because all agree that the decor for the holiday mood and brings smiles at home (especially for children). Here are some easy ideas for Halloween decor.


Halloween decor is not just pumpkins, masks scary monsters and bloody horrors. In a way it can be a good opportunity to diversify autumn atmosphere at home.

Start with a bouquet of flowers from tissue paper in the colors of the holiday – black, orange, gray and white. Whether you knead and roll the paper into a form of flower, or strung on a thread separate list“ is a matter of taste and time. The good thing about this type of decoration that can last a long time and adorns interior home even after the holiday.

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Pay more attention to the nursery because the kids are the biggest lovers of Halloween mood at home. Wrap some old dolls in bandages to turn them into little mummies to initiate the shelf or hang an orange ribbon for the door handle.

Look for paper lantern orange or red to paint using a marker like a scarecrow or covered with colored paper to turn it into an owl. Another option is to glue the inside of the lampshade several small bat of paper, whose skyline is reflected on the walls of the lamplight.


Do not forget to decorate the living room and in the spirit of Halloween. More skillful can crochet a spider web that used as cover for the coffee table. Autumn fruits can arrange in a metal pail or rattan basket, decorated as „cute“ monster a crooked smile, eyes of different sizes (maybe three in number), with a huge nose (optional you can use for this purpose pompon yarn) . If you have a lamp in the living room, you can not wrap the lamp in black lace for more drama.

The kitchen wrap three or four cans in bandages and their eyes sewn on buttons. For the decor of the hall or the front door you can use besides a wreath in the spirit of the holiday, and ordinary broom, but decorated with artificial cobwebs and painted orange handle.


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