DIY outdoor lighting ideas – How to make creative garden lanterns


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These pretty diy outdoor lighting ideas will create a great atmosphere for your garden party. You can easily make the first project just by using milk cartons, tissue paper and colored ribbons. Equipped with a party light chain from the hardware store, they produce a soft and beautiful light. They are also a great conversation starter because all your guests will be astonished and ask: Where did you get them?

DIY outdoor lighting ideas – creative garden paper lanterns

handmade creative outdoor lighting diy garden lanterns tutorial

What you need!
– Party light chain with 10 small bulbs (15 watts) or LED light chain. Caution: The light bulbs should not be too powerful!
– 10 milk or juice cartons
– Wrapping paper
– Tissue paper
– Tape
– Ribbons in different colors
– scissors
– Box cutter
– Pencil
– Tacker
– Floral wire
– Thick needle
– Glue
– Ruler

diy wrapping paper lighting ideas garden outdoor lanterns

Step 1:
Cut around the top flaps of an empty carton milk with the cutter.

Step 2:
Apply adhesive on all four sides of the carton milk, lay it on the wrapping paper and glue.

diy outdoor lighting ideas creative garden paper lamps step by step

Step 3:
Cut off the excess paper, cover and seal the carton bottom.

handmade garden lighting diy tissue paper lanterns

Step 4:
Draw a window (11 x 5.5 cm) on each side of the box or just cut freehand with the cutter. Supposrt the carton with the other hand so that it doesn’t bend by the pressure.

diy outdoor lighting ideas summer yard lanterns how to make

Step 5:
Draw and cut four pieces of tissue paper for the windows (12 x 6.5 cm).
Step 6:
Glue the tissue paper with scotch tape on the inner side of the box, above and under the window.

Step 7:
Cut three ribbon strips of the desired length and fasten with the tacker to the bottom of the box.
Step 8:
Lay the light chain bulb on the edge of the carton milk. Use a thick needle to make two holes at the top of the milk carton, pull the wire through the holes and then twist to secure the cable of the light chain. Make sure that the bulb does not touch the paper.

diy outdoor lighting ideas handmade garden hanging light

Step 9:
Hang the outdoor lanterns between two trees or shrubs. They can also turn out to be beautiful table lanterns. Then just put a tea candle inside.

DIY outdoor lighting ideas – handmade wax candles

diy outdoor lighting ideas pink wax indoor candlesticks

diy outdoor lighting ideas creative candle holders

The other great project of today’s diy outdoor lighting ideas is perfect for the upcoming summer season: you can easily make these original candle holders from wax. We are going to show you step by step how it’s done.

diy garden lighting outdoor idea handmade wax craft project

What you need!
– Pelleted Paraffin Wax, 2 x 800g from the Craft Supplies Store
– wax from the craft supplies
– Balloons
– Yarn
– Needle
– a small pendant with ribbon
– Needle with cork
– cooking pot

diy outdoor lighting ideas balloon candle creative project

Step 1:
It is a good idea to tie an apron and use a pair of glasses as protection against splashing wax. Pour the parrafin wax into the pot until it’s half full and let it melt. The pot must be half-filled with the liquid wax. Mix well. If you wish, you can add a colored was stick.
Step 2:
Turn off the stove and let the wax cool. The wax should be still fluid, but not too hot, so that the balloon doesn’t burst! Inflate the balloon a bit and fill it with some water. The balloon diameter should be about 12 cm. Tie it with a ribbon. Dip the balloon briefly into the hot wax, lift up, wait a few seconds, dip it again and repeat the procedure about 10 times.
Then let the wax on the balloon to harden for a few minutes until the balloon feels cold. Tip: You can simply attach the balloon with a piece of scotch on the table edge while you wait to cool. Lay a newspaper under it, if it drips.
Step 3:
Now dip the balloon again into the wax, wait a few seconds, dip back into the wax, wait a few seconds – do that about 50 times. Now let the wax harden on the balloon. As long as the balloon is still warm, straighten the bottom slightly with a knife.

diy outdoor lighting ideas yard handmade wax candles

Step 4:
When the wax is completely hardened, burst the balloon with a needle over a sink, so the water can drain away. Remove the balloon leftovers.

Step 6:
If you want you can decorate with a pretty pendant. Stuck a needle into a cork, heat it over a candle and stab into the wax candle holder.

diy garden lanterns creative handmade wax lamps outdoor decoration

homemade candle holders wax tea candles creative lighting


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