Interior Design

How to create the most beautiful analogous colors combinations

Analogous colors and like color schemes are really easy to have knowledge of. It is true that the faculty of perception of shade and mode of speech is not given...

Crochet free Pattern – Bag, Hat and Skirt Set for Little Girls

Any little young woman will look to be adored putting in order in this pleasing without being striking...

How to remove hard water stains from granite countertops?

How to remove hard water stains from granite countertops and keep them spotless and shining without using chemical...

How to unclog a kitchen go to the bottom – easy ways to touch a clogged subside

How to unclog a kitchen sink? What to do before you denominate a plumber? Nothing is more annoying than a...

Bold Decor In Small Spaces – 3 Homes Under 50 Square Meters

One of the safest ways to decorate a small space is to simplify everything - subtle patterns, light...

Tips Ideas for small bathroom

Small bathroom is a common problem in the furniture and decor of the home. Here are some helpful ideas and tips on how to deal...

Spring summer moody by Rie Elise Larson

Rie Elise Larson is a Danish interior design company , offering usefull accessories and home decoration materials. They are one of my favorite Scandinavian companies...

Spoon Lamp – DIY Creative Project Ideas

Spoon Lamp, made from plastic spoons and bottle became the winner in "Ecology and Design" nomination of the «FutureNow» mafazine in 2010. Spoon Lamp is a...

Five decorating ideas for living room

For comfortable and beautiful living room, take advantage of any of our five decorating ideas for living room. Practical and easy ideas for living room...

Ideas and Tips for Small hall

The small hall is not unusual for the home in the big city . Here it occupies a limited area and is often directly...

7 ideas for wine bottles

Like other seemingly lumber, empty wine bottles can also be useful purpose at home. We suggest you to be innovative and eco-using any of...