40 ideas for old chairs


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Recycling is a matter for the conservation of the planet’s resources and using their potential. Recycling is useful not only for nature but for ourselves as it creates a mood, develop imagination and dexterity with which to resist modern consumerism.


The chairs are part of an inevitable part of our daily lives.

Like everything else, once their modern look, wear over time or simply bored us. Then we can deal with them in several ways according to the wishes and vazozhnostite us: painting, decoupage, reupholstering – with fabric, jeans, old sweaters, old belts; altering, transforming them into something else – hangers, shelves, beds or pet feeders, garden benches, flowerpots, swings …


Browse 40+ ideas that we have chosen to present. Maybe you can think of many – similar or completely new.

And if so you get inspiration, consider what would result from your office chair

Or what would you do from his chair boss …


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